How To Drop The Struggle With Anxiety

how to get rid of anxiety

Anxiety has been a mental health buzzword for a few years now, and with good reason. With the amount of uncertainty and change in the world today (hello global pandemic - I’m talking to you), it’s only natural that we’ve seen an increase in anxious feelings and overall restlessness.

Anxiety can make it hard to concentrate, sleep, catch your breath, connect with the people you love, and do the things you truly want to do. While I don’t have any actual stats on this, I’m willing to bet that no one on earth enjoys feeling anxious. I’m sure if you’re reading this right now, you’ve tried numerous things to get rid of your anxiety. Maybe you’ve tried distracting yourself through social media or TV. Maybe you’ve tried to numb out with alcohol or weed. Maybe you’ve isolated yourself or tried to think your anxiety away and “just be positive”. I’m going to step out on a limb and guess that none of these things have worked for you.

And here’s why - the only way to deal with anxiety is to let yourself feel it.

I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear, but it is the only way to limit the power anxiety has on your life. Once you create space for anxiety instead of trying to get rid of it, it has freedom to come and go as it pleases and you have the freedom to do the things that matter to you despite feeling anxious. You can be anxious AND take steps towards creating new friendships. You can make a career change AND feel anxious about it. You can set boundaries AND experience anxiety while doing so. It isn’t mutually exclusive. Once you adopt this way of thinking, you can experience freedom to live life with purpose no matter what you are (or aren’t) feeling.

I can’t promise you that this will be an easy thing to do, but I can promise you that change is possible. You didn’t learn your current coping skills overnight, and long-standing behavior patterns take time to correct. The good news is - REAL skills exist to help you make space for your feelings, and I can teach them to you. You don’t have to struggle alone.

If you’d like to step into emotional freedom and create the life you want to live, I would be honored to support you on that journey. I currently have immediate openings for virtual therapy and would love to connect with you. You can schedule a free 20-minute consult call here to see if we’re a good fit.

Be well,



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