How to Identify Your Purpose and Get Unstuck

Purpose. Identity. Calling.

What comes up for you when you read those three words? 

As a true Enneagram 4 (s/o to my fellow Individualists) and textbook overthinker, I’ve spent a lot of time searching for meaning, feeling anxious about my purpose, and longing for something more. 

The more time I spent on social media, the more this anxiety increased. It appeared that everyone else in the world had somehow found their “why” and that something was wrong with me because I hadn’t. I wondered, if everyone else seems to have their life together, why don’t I? Why do I feel so stuck?

Sound familiar? You are not alone. Many of my clients have talked to me about feeling stuck and disconnected from their lives. As human beings we have a deep desire to identify our purpose, establish and work toward goals, and create meaning.

It can feel complicated, but the truth is it’s pretty simple: the best way for us to live with purpose and get unstuck is to identify and reconnect with our values

Values are guiding principles as to how we want to navigate our lives. They are our heart’s deepest desires for how we want to treat others, ourselves, and the world around us. Values give us guidance in pinpointing our goals, motivate us when we feel stuck, and help us to do the things that matter

When we know what’s most important to us, we are able to determine how we want to live, what we want to pursue, and who we want to spend our time with (among many other things).

 Not sure what you value? Below are a 5 journal prompts that you can reflect on to begin exploring what matters most to you. I’ve found that clients who honestly answer these questions are able to see patterns in the things that truly matter to them. 


1.     Imagine that you are watching a clip from your own funeral (weird I know, but hear me out) and you see someone you love on video making a speech about you. What would you love for them to be saying about you?

a.     The sort of person you were…

b.     Your three greatest strengths or qualities…

c.     The way you treated them…. 

2.     What are things that you would take a stand for even if it meant losing someone or something in the process? 

3.     Think about three people you admire. What traits of theirs would you like to create more of in your own life?

4.     When do you feel most in tune with yourself? Describe this with as much detail as possible

5.     What does your ideal day look like? 

I would love to help you continue this exploration. If you’re ready to begin, feel free to reach out to schedule a free 20-minute consult call here

Be Well,



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